Sunday, March 18, 2012

When Did That Happen? Parental Guidance Advised

Lately, it has come to my attention that I am aging.  Of course, intellectually, I knew that, but little things here and there have made clear that what I thought was a theory is an actuality.   Seeing my "baby" care for her baby may have something to do with it, but there are other signs that make me wonder, "when did that happen? 

Here are just a few "when did that happens" I have noticed recently.

When did it happen that I began to take a good 3 minutes to back out of a parking space at Kroger?  Granted, Honda Elements do have blind spots, but it is becoming seriously ridiculous.  I am now one of those drivers, who as young people wait to snag my parking space, is probably being spoken of in  none too flattering terms. 

When did it happen that driving at night became a hazard?  Driving at night in the rain?   Forget about it! 

When did it happen that the eyelash on my cheek which someone kindly tries to brush away is actually growing there?  That's not embarrassing! (insert sarcasm font here)

When did it happen that the skin on my shins became so thin that the tiniest bump creates a gaping wound?  I ran into the corner of a table recently.  So much for a skirt on Easter.  Fireworks will be shot for the 4th of July before it heals.  The last time I did that, I cut myself with a cardboard box...yes, I said a cardboard box.  That was good for 3 visits to the doctor, a round of antibiotics, and a MRSA scare. 

When did it happy that my "little" muffin tops became 3 layer cakes?  I mean, seriously, when did that happen?

When did it happen that the freckles on my legs become liver spots?  I could connect the dots and come up with something quite enchanting I'm sure.  I am beginning to understand the concept of full-body tattoos. 

When did it happen that 6:15 am is the latest I can sleep?  Probably, when 9:00 pm became the latest I could stay awake.

When did it happen that I began to feel the need to be ever so cautious as I embark upon entering the bathtub?  I realized the other night as I had a vision of falling and cracking my skull on the side of the tub, that I hoped if it happened  I would just die of the injury rather than having to suffer the embarrassment of having the EMT's see me disrobed. Eventually, I guess I'll bathe in my bathing suit.   There comes a time when naked is not good...not fat naked, not skinny naked, not any kind of naked.  MP once said a naked lady she saw at the Y looked like she was melting.  Perfect description.

When did it happen that I need multiple pairs of glasses with varying strengths?  The other day I was trying to turn the timer off MP's stove and, and I am fairly certain that it beeped 87 times before I was finally able to locate the proper button, even with her very explicit instructions as to where the button was.  My first foray into changing Simeon's diaper was quite the scene.  I could neither see nor locate those little tabs.  We used cloth diapers.  I knew nothing of disposables, but, I'm learning.  The poor child still probably wishes his mama would change him, but he's coming to the understanding that Mellie will eventually get it done. 

When did it happen that people seek me for "words of wisdom?"  Don't ask me.  I know a whole lot less than I did when I was young and knew everything. 

When did it happen that my "tennis elbow" is caused by playing too many video games rather than too much tennis?  Oh, yeah, wait...I never had "tennis elbow" caused by playing too much tennis. 

When did it happen that my knees dropped to where my calves used to be?  When did my calves become my ankles? 

When did it happen that I passed middle-age?  I mean, I seriously doubt that I will live to be 120 years old. 

Well, I do not know when all this happened.  Fortunately, it has happened a little bit at a time...sort of like peeling the layers off an onion.   I feel very fortunate that I am still able to drive that Honda Element, and the young folks will just have to wait on me as others will wait on them in the years to come.  I feel very fortunate that I can still do and enjoy my walking tours, that maybe I have something of value to offer.  I know 60 is not that old, but this is the year of my 60th birthday.  I guess that and these grandbabies has made me more aware of this aging thing.  I look at my mother who will celebrate her 88th birthday this year, Lord, willing, and I know there are many wonderful things ahead.  I'll just get me another tattoo, perhaps, and I will always keep my tweezers, glasses, and bandages close by.

Just a few musings from an aging mind.  Off I go to play a little Sporcle to keep my mental faculties sharp.  Nah, what I'll probably do is play Bouce Out.  I just love the sounds it makes...and I don't have to think about it.

So, for today, I wish you a lack of awareness concerning "when did that happen," and I wish you


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