By the numbers:
31 ~ Days on Sanibel Island ~ we actually stole the 31st day ~ we didn't realize that we were supposed to check out on the 31st not November 1, but they let us have that night for free.
60 ~ How many birthdays Mr. Lincoln has had. How disappointing it would have been for him if they had not given us that 31st night as he would have been driving home for 13 hours on his actual birthday. Thank you Sandalfoot staff!!
17 ~ Books I read. Some of them were excellent, and some of them were typical mindless beach reads, like the one with the woman who could read people's pasts and thoughts if she touched them with her hands. Deep, really deep.
15 ~ Episodes of Dexter we watched. I am not necessarily recommending the show to anyone. It is gritty, raw, vulgar, foul, dark, and totally addictive.
30 or so ~ Episodes of Modern Family we watched. LOVE that show. Again, I am not necessarily recommending it, but it is hilarious.
3 ~ New curse words/expressions learned from Phil Dunfey....Good Lorna Doone!!! Sweet and Sour Chicken!! Sacagawea!! Phil is so much more creative with his expletives than Barb and Doaks on Dexter.
7 ~ Times I had breakfast at the Lighthouse Cafe. They have the best bacon ever, and I love their grilled croissant with homemade strawberry preserves.
2 ~ Loaves of bread Mr. Lincoln ate made into French toast. The man loves French toast.
10 ~ Pounds of butter Mr. Lincoln ate on the above mentioned French toast.
5 ~ Bicycle trips Mr. Lincoln made to Captiva.
4 ~ Times Kyle was my waiter at the Island Cow. He's not all that efficient, but he's adorable.
29 ~ Beautiful, uncloudy sunrises.
1569 ~ Photos I took.
5 ~ Trips to the airport. I learned that I am overly excited when people arrive, and deeply melancholy for about 24 hours after people leave. Nevermind that I am going to see them again soon, and that we all live in the same town.
1 ~ Canoe trip in the bay, through a lagoon, down a mangrove alley. So FUN!!! Mr. Lincoln and I were informed by a passing kayaker that we were having way too much fun.
2 ~ Dinners at the Old Captive House. Delicious food with the added bonus of a perfect view of the sunset right outside the door. Lovely.
30 ~ Days I planned on riding a bike.
0 ~ Days I rode a bike.
1 ~ Perfect Sunday morning breakfast at 'Tween Waters with my mom in her pajamas and no make-up. If you know her, you know that will probably be the 1 and ONLY time that will happen.
35 (about) ~ Hours spent on the beach with my mother and sister.
1 ~ Fender bender in the CVS parking lot.
1 ~ Trip to the police station.
2 ~ Total times I had been in the CVS parking lot before this year.
8 ~ Trips to CVS just the week Mom and Doree were with me.
Googolplexian: The worlds largest number with a name ~ Prayers offered in thanksgiving for the blessing of the trip, for safe travels for my family, for the beauty surrounding me, for the talent of the musicians I listened to on my IPod, for the sounds and the smells (well, most of them) and the sights and the love and the coming home with the anticipation of next year's trip with the addition of 2 little ones.
So for today, I wish you time with your family, an awareness of the beauty around you, and joyfulness in returning home, and
An aside ~ it was brought to my attention recently that at times my blogs are "preachy and judgmental." If I have at any time made you feel that way, I sincerely apologize. It is easy on FB and in a blog to come across as though one has all the answers and that one's life is "perfect." I am part of a family of eccentrics, and we have our share of failings and problems. I do not always share those because, well, because I don't.
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