Thursday, June 21, 2018

Plans Change

Week 2, Last day.

Our plans had included Crockett Park, Pizza, making cards and going to Post Office to mail them.  Pretty much the pizza is the only part of our plan that did not change.

The weather was yucky so Crockett Park was not a good option. We went to the movie instead to see The Incredibles.  I confess, I slept through part of it.  Those recliner chairs are VERY comfortable.  Everyone agreed that was a fun thing to do on a rainy camp day.  Crockett Park would have been a whole lot cheaper.

We had morning work too, where they wrote invitations for their parents and Fizzy because they are cooking dinner for them on July 10.  We have our menu set, so grocery shopping, setting the table and cooking with probably take a good part of that day....or not, so I will have additional plans.  They did a math sheet, a "would you rather" sheet where Simmy put down the shortest answers, regardless of what he'd rather.  That is not a conclusion I drew, it's what he said.  Funny guy.  They made pictures using stencils that I did not even know I had.

Last, but not least, we made crystals on sea shells.  They turned out really well, except Mellie went a little crazy with the Borax so our shells looked less like sparkly shells and more like geodes, but either way, they were just lovely.

A quiet, slow, pretty peaceful day.  It is uncanny when the boys get crosswise with each other, I tell them to "meet me at the river."  They know the river is the sofa in the living room, and there we hold hands and I pray while they pay very little attention.  Now, in case you think I am praying some fire and brimstone prayer, I am not.  I simply ask that we all act like Jesus to one another, to only look in our cousin's "yard" to be sure he has enough and to give Mellie patience.  They scoff, but it surely seems to help.

So, now I'm down to 6 days of camp this summer.  It is true that I am pretty tired by the time they go home, but I would not trade getting to spend these days with these boys for anything.  I am extremely fortunate that their parents allow me these opportunities.

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