Thursday, January 28, 2016

Aesthetics and Kindness

I receive emails from a local homeowners' association. They can be informative and interesting. Yesterday's email made me giggle. It stated in part:

"ALL residents must be using the tougher and more aesthetic black garbage bags....Fines will be assessed to those who do not comply after individual written notice."

That just cracked me up. Now, let me say, I have never sat on the board of an HOA. It must be a most difficult job to meet the perceived needs of so many people, but I just cannot get my head around how the meeting of the garbage bags developed. Who came up with the wording?  Aesthetic garbage bags?  Am I the only one who finds this funny?

It pleases me to say, that a resident in compliance with the aesthetic trash bag rule, hit "reply all" with a most kind response. She did hit "send" before she intended. It stated in part:

"I'd like to (offer) a different solution rather than a warning letter and/or a fine. I will be glad to give you a few 'black, tougher, and more aesthetic black garbage bags' if you are having trouble, for any reason, obtaining them. I hope this action will build good will and I'd like to meet more of you and have a friendly conversation.....I want to be that difference. So, call me or email me and I will be happy to share some bags with you. I view this as a total win-win for all involved!"

I love this response. I immediately emailed her thanking her for her kindness and sweet spirit. There were numerous ways to respond to the HOA email. I giggled, some may have seen it as a threat, some may have gotten angry, some may have felt intimidated, some may have thought, "at last, something is being done about those hideous white trash bags!"  One person reached out with kindness and offered a solution. Good for her.

Today, I wish that your most pressing problem be aesthetically displeasing garbage bags, that someone meets your needs with great kindness, and I wish you


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