Wednesday, November 23, 2016


A picture popped up on FB today. The picture was of my brother, Mike, holding a baby Max. Four years have brought changes-Mike is no longer walking this earth and Max is not a bitty baby.

There are people who are suffering unspeakable pain today. The loss of a child or children in a horrific bus accident, the death of a young man in another accident. A split second brought swift change.

As I sit in my quiet, empty house anticipating the laughter of family that will fill this home tomorrow, I want to remember those who are painfully planning funerals instead of holiday celebrations. Life is a fragile commodity. It is good and right to grieve with those who grieve even as we participate with enjoyment the bounty that is loaned us.

For tomorrow, I wish for us all to enjoy the gift of family and friends, but that in our frivolity we are ever-mindful of those who grieve.


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